Botulinum Toxin A is administered to the jaw muscles to relieve TMJ and Bruxism pain.
Q: Why would I go to the dentist for botox treatments?
A: Patients who suffer from chronic clenching, teeth grinding, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain usually have overactive masseter muscles. Many dentists can resolve some of these issues with a night guard, alternatively, botox is a great option to directly relax the masseter muscles and reduce tension around the jaw. Additionally, dentists are highly trained on the anatomy of the head and neck and have a keen eye for aesthetics and symmetry when it comes to cosmetic botox.
Q: How long does botox last and when do I need to come back for another treatment?
A: Botulinum toxin only attaches to the muscular nerve endings temporarily. Around 3-4 months after treatment you will start to see some movement and activation in the muscles. If you are treating muscles for medical purposes such as TMJ pain or headaches, it is important that you come in every 3 months before you start to have complete muscle activation again. This prevents the muscle from regaining strength and will continue to soften the muscles over time.
Q: If I clench or grind and have TMJ pain do I need to get botox for the rest of my life?
A: The short answer is no. Clenching and grinding are both subconscious habits that we do in times of stress, anxiety, nervousness, etc. With consistent botox treatments in the masseter muscles every 3-4 months we can limit the amount of time we are activating the muscles that are trying to clench or grind. Over time your body will realize that it cannot perform this action and slowly your muscles will shrink and stop this habit–this can take up to 24 months of treatment if not more. Of course, with times of high stress in your life you may start this subconscious habit again and treatments may need to start again at any point.